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Keine Angabe Beiträge & Themen
It is rare for it to be the case for a Mastiff mother, or any other breed of dog, to slaughter or feed her puppies. Most cases, the maternal instincts kick in and the mother can provide her puppies with love and protection them. However, there are circumstances in which dogs that are mothers can become aggressive towards her puppies, such as if she is suffering from pain or illness or if the pups are weak or sick. A mother dog can accidentally crush or even smother puppies if she isn't careful or if they're too small or weak. It is essential to provide an environment that is safe and comfortable for both the mother Mastiff and her puppies to prevent any problems. It is essential that the mother dog is well-fed and drinking plenty of water.
Keine Angabe Beiträge & Themen
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Keine Angabe Beiträge & Themen